Shërbime mjekësore në shtëpi


Ky shërbim jep mundësinë për të marrë çdo lloj mbështetjeje mjekësore nga komoditeti I shtëpisë. Kjo përfshin konsultimin, diagnostikimet, hartimin e planeve të personalizuara të trajtimit bazuar në feedback-un e infermierëve të shërbimeve të shtëpisë. Kështu, e gjithë ekspertiza e mjekëve më të mirë ndërthurret me privacitetin dhe konfidencialitetin. Gjithashtu, kjo metodë shmang rradhët e gjata të pritjes dhe pakëson rrezikun e marrjes së infeksioneve nga klinika e mjekut.

Ndihmë dhe shërbime mjekësore, Koordinimi i kujdesit dhe planet e trajtimit



CONTACT US +355 (0) 4 123 456

Whether you want to book an appointment or have inquiries for us, call now and one of our team members will be more than happy to assist.

Our Doctors

dr. Doris Flores

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dr. Doris Flores

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dr. Doris Flores

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dr. Doris Flores

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Medical Facts


1What is vaccination?
Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way that uses the body’s natural defenses to build resistance to infections, protect you against diseases and make your immune system stronger.
2What to do when we have an emergency case?
Medical emergencies when you should call 127 are:
  • When someone has difficulty breathing,
  • Someone has chest pain that can feel like a 'heaviness' or a 'tightness' in the chest
  • Someone faints or is unconscious
  • Someone may be having a stroke (they may suddenly become weak, their vision changes, they are dizzy or have difficulty speaking)
  • Someone has severe pain everywhere
  • Someone has bleeding that does not stop
  • There was a car accident and people were injured.
3Which cases are not considered medical emergencies?
  • In general, you do not feel well, but you do not have any of the reasons mentioned above.
  • Minor injuries such as sprains or small cuts – provided they are not bleeding uncontrollably.
  • Small burns – burns that are smaller than twice the size of your hand.
  • Cough or cold, but you are active if you eat well
4How to treat my child's temperature at home?
The temperature may not need to be treated with drugs if your child is calm, eats well, is active and the temperature is up to 38.5 degrees Celsius.
  • Dress your child in light clothing,
  • Cover them with a light sheet or blanket while they sleep.
  • Give extra fluids.
  • If the temperature is >38 degrees Celsius, you can give medicines that lower the temperature. For their correct selection and use, you should consult the nurse or the family doctor.